A Collection of my poetry
I had lunch with pen pals over turkey day break, despite my visit home being a mistake; their company was a delight. Jean sat across from me and Flip just beside her, she said “listen to young poets” as our meal winded down. My sister is an artist, and I’ve loved a few myself. Existing in that space, somewhere between insane and the same.
The Whater
above, the leaves rustle
drowning out the noise
watching the water flowing
seeing where it goes
mountain tops
melting snow
watching as the water flows
rocks erode
does the river cry
as it drops down
on the way to where
I lay and listen
my body bare
I am the dirt
the mushrooms feast
what vile thoughts
awash in the stream
A Flower
Motley missus glow
searing bright burning shine
your beaming hue
blinded you eclipse me
I can’t see you
sit back for the night
hold me, eyes closed
whisper whimpers
subtle snores
Thick as gold and just as sweet
A big spoonful before we sleep
The sky grows cold
The taste lingers
The moon grows bigger
Golden rays rain down on me
Summer showers thick and sweet
Cutting through the rain
To wrap you in my arms
so far away
so far away
so far just wait
the taste is bitter sweet
shining rainbows over the streets
nothing compares
Nothing compared
A taste once in a lifetime
scared and confused
just hold me too
our tears will drown
face down in a puddle
We splashed
Big boots
Care free
You too
Pluck my heart
Those strings will cry
Hear that whine
Release a sigh
Share this glass with me
Once more before we sleep
It was all just a dream