A Simple Poem

2 min readMay 2, 2024


Perhaps I am a shard of glass

once part of a bottle of beer or wine

in time

it takes time for it to brew

and it takes time for it to stew

with all of its hops and not one but two

distillations sanctified sin into that bottle

that damned bottle

Oh yes, all the work, all the merry men and women that it took

To get me drunk, oh blessings

Oh sell me your soured bread and rotten apples too

Sell me your molded cheese and reshaped debris as art

and this one is tart and this one is molded

molded you say?

I do say, yes, and you must try the asparagus

I wine and dine and my eyes grow heavy

and I cannot see the fine lines

oh time has shrunk this shard of glass

from a bad party an empty bottle tossed to the sea

Won’t anyone think of the children!

Shush now you musn’t disturb the making of our frivolous flavorous fabulous liquors

You must not disturb the taking of our sisters


So the ocean’s tides come and go and in the sun this shard erodes

Its pointed edges and stabby bits are rounded out like a mallet

A sword of stone was once rocks and later sand

A shard of glass turn’d to a green pebble

Drunkenly I pick up this pebble delighted in my discovery

What brand is this, who manufactured it, how many died for this piece of glass?

Oh to ponder and pursue life’s mystery’s askew

Misery, Minstrelry, Ministry of Mine

Mine Mine Mine!

Nothing but time, passing and slipping away.

Time spent, appreciated, or wasted

who would do such a thing

commit such a crime

The insatiable thirst of billions of people, each needing a bottle in their hand

Each needing a drink and a home and a meal and phone

a car?

a mansion?

a yacht?

a home?

Does everyone get one, or is one even enough?

The ocean crept upon rocks and made beaches

We doused those beaches in trash for no reason

Can we not think ahead?

A head? I do not have one, do you? Lost in this poem, a maze to find the way through. So misleading, this simple poem, are you also wasting your time reading it like I am wasting my time writing it?

Are we spending time connecting? Perhaps you may come to know me through my words, and speak to me as if we are familiar.

I do not know you.

Are we enjoying the time, I write, you read, and we get back to our machines?

While we are still alive, lets have a drink!

Let’s go out to the ocean and toss our bottle in it, and perhaps in a millennia, someone else may think these thoughts.

They may write them down, and fantasize about how great of a time we had, drinking together and being. Knowing we don’t know. Forgetting what we do.

I’ve spent enough time on this, and you have too.




Written by Fluearence

I write about the goings on in the world, how it impacts me, my friends, my community, my blood; my people make my place and I take it.

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