It’s Basic Math

2 min readApr 16, 2024

War Games and calculus, running simulations to see who does what when the bombs drop. I cannot seriously consider that the United States of Amerikkka would go into the middle east and fight for “western democracy”.

Because that is going so well over here.

Somethings can feel unexpected when they have been denied and built up, but a WWIII or nuclear war over natural gas, risking the relationships we have with the UAE for its oil exports without any energy infrastructure to catch us (the west) is stupid.

Down party lines people split thirsty for war but, what are the profit margins we need to consider? Taking a cold look at the developing situation in Gaza that is very much so genocidal, who will redevelop that land and bury the bodies? The US is supporting the razing of a people with bombs and we debate about genocide and history, all the while Israel makes a sacrifice for their state.

Netanyahu is betting that the US will continue to support them when the world can see the documented war crimes daily. All of the posturing and distraction of the last several months while Palestinians lay dying.

So we approach a kind of precipice in our world, our own lives threatened by the actions of a fanatic few, possibly willing to start nuclear war over the security of Israel.

In this same breath I must be a patriot, for all the skullduggery of the Americas through its rapes and enslavement, Jewish people are safe here. Palestinian people must be safe here. This country was and continues to be built by outsiders and aliens. We have been evil as Americans, to many we are the villains in a global retelling of humanity’s success. If we are to make it, our most prominent problems must not be the sanctity of Bibi

long live his 16 year rule

in all its terror and propaganda and warfare. Bibi is a bug, he is a stain on humanities name, to put it gently the most favorable outcome would be a US precision strike on his home, then we can tear down the Berlin Wall once more. This is in jest of course, with the utmost respect to our nuclear armed counterparts. We in the west can naught but delight in our lifestyles at the expenses of the oppressed.

Wish u were her e XOXO XO




I write about the goings on in the world, how it impacts me, my friends, my community, my blood; my people make my place and I take it.