ooops, My O key gets stuck
Dingle berries swinging oon hairs doown there
Moonkey see monkey doo
doo doo the true blue Americans with nothing left to give
All their shit and nothing to live
444 transform
trans for nothing
standing for something
walking strange because you’re not straight
how about we pledge allegiance to that
Ms Minaj and all her Barbs
pink flags and fags march dressed so sharp
you might cut yourself in a happy little accident
so mind that your businesses are tax exempt
Selling blow to gays they can blow for days
civilized men will hide it away
look for signs the smile on their face
rudolph red noses
and too happy-go-lucky considering the state
the world is shit
and this is it
I write poetry about dookie
my homework’s unfinished
my laundry basket full
my stomach is empty
and all I can do is write on this lovely
little keyboard with my online warriors
fighting, revolutionizing, organizing from bed
I’ll think about you right before my
Long, ever-ensuing sleep
Egads! You should have posted more things
Let’s gather round the television and watch those browns die
what a pity it is, they’re the color of my eyes!
How beautiful the rich skin blending with oak bark
Toes buried in soil
where does the foot start
Let’s all dig a hole and take a shit in it
It’ll look just the same as mass graves
with less bones blood death and heads in it
you fucking ostriches
it must be the riches
the richest nation thirsty for conflicts to start
with warzones and paradise a zipcode apart
My brain’s splitting
I am not indifferent
I was not quiet when they came for me or my friends
but when they come for you it will surely be the end
you, whose skin looks like this website
white white white
the pretty little lamb
how sad will we be when you finally die
bite the dust
cry cry cry